Ask Konrad the Barbarian
From the mail I've been getting it sounds like people want to be all
rough and rowdy. CARRY ON, I say! Nothing like waking to survey a
torn up tavern through bleary hangover-eyes the next morning to raise
yer spirits.
But enough about my event-planning business. Let's plunge right into
the advice...
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DEAR KONRAD: Would it be possible to meet you in the Gloridome some
time? --Thinks Konrad is Tough Stuff
DAMMIT, THINKER: The Gloridome? The GLORIDOME?!?! You must be some
kinda primadonna to suggest that. I'd much rather meetcha in the
tavern where I can punch ya square in the face and make it stick if'n
I need to. Get out in the real world where real men conduct their
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DEAR KONRAD: Do you think you'd make a good demon-hunter? We could
use all the help we can get in these troubling times. --Badly Singed
DAMMIT, SINGED: Ya think I've been sitting on my butt in the Gloridome
day dreaming about the Gossip Queen or something? Meet me at the next
Fire Lord and I can show you a few things about fighting demons.
P.S. Bring a bucket of water.
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That's all the advice I have for now, so keep those swords sharp!
Send your insignificant questions and pleas for the wisdom of Konrad
via the Post Office to Editor with a subject of: Ask Konrad.