Logs / Wagner Rescued
After a horrible invasion of Sable City by a horde of orcs and orogs, much of the city was in ruins. There was rubble everywhere. The inn was one of the buildings destroyed. Wagner, the well-liked owner, was nowhere to be found. We started digging in the rubble, hoping that he had managed to make it down into one of the rooms below before the whole thing collapsed.
Rubble and Ash
Here where one of Sable City's buildings once stood, is nothing but rubble
and ash. Charred wood, bent and twisted steel spikes, and burnt bones of
every humanoid variety are all that remain here.
The sun shines brightly in the western sky.
Fluffy white clouds drift lazily overhead.
Kerrin yells: Wagner!
Kerrin emits a screeching squawk of Wagner!
-> Kerrin begins digging through the rubble
Tharl enters.
Tygeth enters.
Tygeth sighs
-> Tharl begins digging through the rubble.
Tygeth stops wielding scimitar (poisoned).
Kerrin yells: Wagner!
Kerrin listens carefully but hear nothing unusual.
The sky grows even clearer and more beautiful.
-> Tygeth starts lifting rubble
Kerrin starts digging here with his hands.
As Kerrin continues digging with his hands, sweat pours down his brow.
Tharl starts digging here with his hands.
After all that digging, Kerrin doesn't seem to have uncovered anything.
As Tharl digs here, sweat pours down his brow.
Kerrin yells: Wagner!
Kerrin listens carefully but hear nothing unusual.
Tharl has a questioning look on his face.
-> Kerrin plops down to rest for a minute
Kerrin pants, trying to catch his breath.
Tygeth sighs
Tygeth starts digging here with his hands.
Kerrin says, "I sure hope he is under there somewhere safe."
Kerrin says, "Maybe he made it down to one of the rooms."
-> Tharl wipes his brow, smearing his forehead with soot.
As Tygeth digs here, sweat pours down his brow.
Tygeth says, "That's what I'm hoping."
Kerrin starts digging here with his hands.
Tharl says to Kerrin, "Then he would be burried, alive?"
Tygeth says, "Thus we keep digging."
Kerrin says, "That iw why we are digging...and hoping."
Tharl starts digging here with his hands.
As Kerrin continues digging with his hands, sweat pours down his brow.
As Tharl digs here, sweat pours down his brow.
After all that digging, Kerrin doesn't seem to have uncovered anything.
Kerrin recounts one of his highly motivating tales and highlight it with an
inspirational tune on his brass trumpet.
Tharl is filled with newfound optimism and strength!
Kerrin recounts one of his highly motivating tales and highlight it with an
inspirational tune on his brass trumpet.
Tygeth is filled with newfound optimism and strength!
Tygeth smiles at you happily.
Kerrin wiptes the sweat from his brow... WHEW!
Tygeth says to Kerrin, "Oh, by the way, I'm Tygeth."
Kerrin says to Tygeth, "Aye, I recognize the sound of your voice."
Kerrin says, "I am Kerrin Gaile, birdy-bard of the realm and famed blind juggler
of flaming gnomes."
Tygeth starts digging here with his hands.
As Tygeth digs here, sweat pours down his brow.
Tygeth sighs
-> Kerrin starts rolling some of the larger rocks out to the street.
The clouds vanish and the sky is completely clear.
Tharl says to Kerrin, "I am Tharl Rastafo."
Tharl starts digging here with his hands.
As Tharl digs here, sweat pours down his brow.
Kerrin says to Tharl, "Delighted to meet you, although the circumstance could
certainly be better."
Kerrin gives Tharl Kerrin's porter ale.
Kerrin gives Tygeth Kerrin's porter ale.
Tharl starts digging here with his hands.
Tygeth beams at you brightly.
Tygeth thanks you
Tygeth drinks Kerrin's porter ale.
As Tharl digs here, sweat pours down his brow.
-> Tygeth stands up and surveys the wreckage
Tygeth says, "Therre'ss goththa bu-be a bu-beththerr way..."
Tygeth says, "Ath thhiss pace even if he iss alive down thherre bu-by thhe
thime we geth tho him...."
-> Tygeth leaves the thought unfinished
Kerrin says, "A pile of explosive capsules perhaps?"
Tygeth says, "Maybu-be..."
Kerrin hmms
Tygeth says, "I'm not sure...it could be risky. If it is to much it could
collapse any thing that might be under the rubble."
Tharl says, "Maybe if we tap some of these steel spikes together, he might
hear it? Either that, or a mighty trumpet bleat? Maybe if he is down
there, he doesn't know there is anything left.."
Kerrin says, "If only there were a gnomie around."
Tygeth nods at you
Tygeth says, "Tharl might have a point with the metal rods...if they go all
the way down."
Kerrin says, "Aye!"
Tygeth hmms
Tharl says, "Yes, and the sound would carry, possibly even through stone."
Kerrin says to Tharl, "Play something on the steel spikes."
Kerrin listens carefully but hear nothing unusual.
Tharl hmms
The sun sinks towards the western horizon.
-> Kerrin kneels down to listen closely to the rubble
You think you hear some tapping coming through the rubble.
Kerrin flaps his wings
Kerrin says, "Shhhh!"
Kerrin says, "I hear something."
Tygeth nods slowly
-> Kerrin presses his ear right up tight to the rubble
Kerrin says to Tharl, "Bang on the spikes a couple of times."
-> Tharl taps a rhythym on the spikes with his longsword.
You definitely hear some tapping through the rubble.
A faint tapping can definitely be heard through the rubble.
Tygeth beams brightly.
Tygeth says, "Let's go!!"
Kerrin says, "I definitely hear tapping back."
Kerrin yells: Wagner!
-> Tygeth walks over to where Kerrin is
Tygeth starts digging here with his hands.
-> Kerrin starts digging furiously
Kerrin starts digging here with his hands.
Tharl starts digging here with his hands.
Tygeth yells: WAGNER!?
Tharl says, "Maybe one of us should run for more help?"
As Tygeth digs here, sweat pours down his brow.
As Kerrin continues digging with his hands, sweat pours down his brow.
As Tharl digs here, sweat pours down his brow.
You think you hear a muffled voice through the debris.
After all that digging, Kerrin doesn't seem to have uncovered anything.
Kerrin says, "I think I hear him."
Tharl says, "Yes..."
Tygeth starts digging here with his hands.
-> Tharl listens closely with his ear against the rubble.
Kerrin says, "Give me a hand with this big stone here."
Tygeth says, "Alright."
-> Kerrin crouches down nest to a big stone
As Tygeth digs here, sweat pours down his brow.
-> Kerrin grabs it with both hands
The brilliance of the sky dims a bit.
Kerrin says, "On three."
Tygeth says, "Let me finish pulling this stone."
Kerrin says, "One..."
Tygeth says, "Alright."
Kerrin says, "Ready?"
-> Tygeth stands on the other side of the stone and grips it firmly
Kerrin says, "One..."
Tygeth says, "Let's do it."
Kerrin says, "Two..."
Kerrin says, "THREE!"
-> Kerrin heaves mightily
-> Tygeth heaves with all his might
Sebboe enters.
Kerrin flaps his wings wildly
Tygeth says, "C....c'mon"
Sebboe starts digging here with his hands.
-> Tygeth strains with the weight
Tygeth says, "To..the..street."
The rock barely shifts.
The sun sets beyond the western horizon.
Tharl says, "I'll run to the tavern, to see if I can't find some help"
As Sebboe digs here, sweat pours down his brow.
-> Kerrin grunts as the stone starts to budge just a tad
Tharl leaves south.
Saelene enters.
Tygeth sighs
Aelyn enters.
Kerrin wipes the sweat from his brow... WHEW!
Thalia enters.
Saelene sighs
Aelyn nods
Kerrin says, "Yay!"
Tygeth says, "We can do this!"
Aelyn says, "where should i dig?"
Tygeth says, "This big rock!"
Kerrin says, "help us. Wagener is buried down there."
Tygeth says, "We've got to move it."
Kerrin says, "We can hear him."
Saelene says, "oh no"
Thalia says, "Let's try and use Lautori as a lever"
Tharl enters.
Khirmint enters.
Tharl starts digging here with his hands.
Tygeth nods at Thalia
-> Kerrin squats down next to the big rock
Aelyn says, "okay."
Khirmint looks at shortsword
-> Kerrin sticks his javelin under it.
As Tharl digs here, sweat pours down his brow.
Tharl says, "Anybody have a staff?"
Tygeth says, "Use this other stone to use as a leverage point."
-> Thalia wedges Lautori under the edge of the rock, pushing hard to firmly
implant him.
Saelene says, "How can I help? all I have is a dagger."
-> Khirmint starts using his sword to assist Thalia in moving the rock
-> Tygeth drags a stone over in front of the huge rock
Kerrin says, "On three..."
Thalia says, "Ok now all get behind me and push"
Kerrin says, "One..."
Kerrin says, "Two..."
-> Saelene stands behind thalia ready to push with the others.
Cyrinne enters.
-> Tharl readies himself.
Kerrin says, "THREE!"
-> Tygeth strains against the stone
Kerrin says, "Heave!"
Tygeth says, "Goooooooooooo!"
-> Tharl strains against the stone.
-> Khirmint heaves his sword against the stone!
-> Saelene pushes with all her might against the stone.
-> Kerrin strains mightily
-> Aelyn pushes with all her puny might
Tygeth sweats
The rock shifts and wobbles but budges only slightly.
Gerae enters.
Tygeth says, "C'mon!"
-> Kerrin watches his javlin start to bend
Thalia says, "again"
Aelyn says, "more!"
Gerae says, "I will help!"
Khirmint looks at steel chain whip { Flaming }
Thalia says, "ready?"
-> Gerae rushes over to aid
Aelyn nods
Cyrinne says to Thalia, "Tell me how, and I will help"
-> Kerrin jumps on the end of his javelin with all his weight
Aelyn says to Cyrinne, "get ready to heave"
Thalia says, "Push with us Cyrinne"
Kerrin flaps his wings wildly
Ailin enters.
Pormis enters.
Tygeth says, "Alright, some push the stone directly. Others help Thalia
-> Sebboe pushes so hard veins start buldging from his head
Cyrinne nods
Pormis starts digging here with his hands.
Tygeth says, "Ready?"
The javelin sproings and Kerrin goes flying through the air!
-> Saelene leans into the rock trying hard to push it.
-> Kerrin goes flying out what used to be the door
Kerrin yells: Umph!
-> Kerrin staggers back in
Tygeth looks at you.
Kerrin flaps his wings
Tygeth gives you Tygeth's porter ale.
Aelyn nods at Khirmint
Kerrin beams at Tygeth brightly.
-> Thalia pushes hard on Lautori planting him under the rock.
Saelene starts digging here with her hands.
-> Khirmint wraps the handle of the whip around his fists
Kerrin downs the thick, strong porter ale with gusto and savor the rich, dry
malty flavor as it slowly goes down.
Kerrin licks his lips
Thalia says, "Let's push again!"
-> Tygeth puts his shoulder to the rock
-> Khirmint tenses..
As Saelene digs here, sweat pours down her brow.
Tygeth says, "Ready?!"
Tharl says, "Push in an upward motion..."
-> Kerrin rubs his hands together.
Tygeth says, "GO!"
-> Gripping the whip, Khirmint HEAVES!!
-> Cyrinne pushes at the rock as best she can
-> Sebboe pushes again, trying to get some traction in the rubble
The rock shifts a bit.
-> Tharl pushes with all his might.
-> Tygeth heaves against the rock
-> Ailin looks about in confusion then puts her hands to the rock
Khirmint says, "Harder!!"
-> Thalia pushes down on Lautori, standing on the end.
-> Aelyn pushes at the rock, leaning all her 86 pounds into it
Thalia says, "Again!"
-> Saelene shoves as hard as she can, her face beet red with the effort.
-> Ailin pushes with all her might
-> Tygeth heaves into the stone
-> Kerrin wedges his javelin back into the gap
The rock wobbles and goes onto an edge.
-> Khirmint heaves again with all his strength!
-> Sebboe digs his feet in and pushes relentlessly
-> Pormis pushes rock with all his might
Tygeth yells: WAGNER!?
Thalia says, "Quick! shove hard"
-> Kerrin leans into it with all his weight
The rock teeters a bit and then starts to topple!
-> Tygeth shoves with all his strength
You hear some weak, muffled coughing from below.
Twilight fades and the night begins.
-> Tharl shoves with all of his might.
-> Khirmint jumps clear of the rocks path
Aelyn says, "out of the way of the toppling!"
-> Saelene shoves harder wobbling as it starts to move.
-> Cyrinne jumps aside
-> Kerrin rolls over the top of the stone
-> Ailin grits her teeth and pushes again
Tygeth yells: WAGNER!?
The rock topples over with a might CRASH! BOOM! WHAM!
Tygeth lets out a resounding cheer.
Aelyn coughs
-> Saelene jumps back as the rock lands with a crash.
-> Kerrin kicks his feet and barely gets out of the way
Saelene lets out a resounding cheer.
Saelene says, "is he ok??"
-> Tygeth immediately rushes to the hole
-> Aelyn waves at hand at the dust
-> Ailin falls to the ground
Cyrinne coughs
Tygeth says, "Wagner?"
Kerrin emits a screeching squawk of Wagner!
-> Saelene peers trying to see down the hole.
-> Pointing his finger at the rubble, Khirmint issues forth a ray of yellow
Cyrinne coughs
You think you see a dirty, soot-covered hand in the rubble.
Gerae gasps in astonishment!
Cyrinne says, "A hand!"
Ailin says, "there a hand"
-> Tygeth grabs the hand
Pormis nods
-> Tharl reaches to help.
Saelene says, "a hand.. grab it!"
Khirmint says, "Careful!"
Wagner coughs
Sebboe starts digging here with his hands.
Gerae starts digging here with his hands.
Thalia says, "Let's get some of this smaller rubble cleared"
Tygeth says, "Com on Wagner, nice and slow."
Wagner says, "Now you are all a sight for sore eyes"
Sebboe says, "dig!"
-> Khirmint begins removing rocks from around Wagner
Cyrinne looks at Wagner.
Saelene lets out a resounding cheer.
Tharl says, "Clerics!! Get ready!"
Sebboe looks at Wagner.
Khirmint cheers enthusiastically for Wagner
As Sebboe digs here, sweat pours down his brow.
Saelene says, "is anyone else down there?"
As Gerae digs here, sweat pours down his brow.
Kerrin emits a screeching squawk of victory!
Wagner bleeds profusely all over the floor.
Gerae looks at Wagner.
Pormis looks at Wagner.
Saelene starts digging here with her hands.
Tygeth looks at Wagner.
-> Kerrin peers down the hole
Khirmint looks at Wagner.
Cyrinne looks at Wagner.
Thalia looks at Wagner.
Wagner says, "Well what do you know, I seem to be a bit worse for the wear"
Wagner chuckles
Tharl looks at Wagner.
Saelene says, "ohh someone.. he is bleeding!"
-> Wagner coughs up blood
Khirmint says, "Can a cleric tend to him?"
Aelyn says, "water"
Pormis looks at Wagner.
Khirmint says, "How about raki?"
As Saelene digs here, sweat pours down her brow.
Khirmint gives Wagner Flagon of Raki.
Cyrinne says, "I tended as best I can. Does anyone have food to help with?"
Kerrin gives Wagner Kerrin's rich Stout Ale.
Tygeth says, "Wagner needs mead!"
Tharl says, "Wagner!!!!"
Wagner thanks Khirmint
Khirmint gives Wagner portabello mushroom sandwich.
Thalia says to Wagner, "but you still have the most dashing cloak in the
Tygeth gives Wagner Tygeth's honey mead.
Wagner bleeds profusely all over the floor.
Cyrinne looks at Wagner.
Thalia gives Wagner King's Banquet.
Pormis looks at Wagner.
Kerrin grins at Thalia
Gerae gives Wagner Gerae's honey mead.
-> Wagner looks around sadly...........
-> Tygeth rips his cloak to tend Wagner's wounds
Tharl says, "Anybody else down there with you??"
Tygeth removes vOlUmInOuS, gAuDy ClOaK.
Khirmint pats Wagner on the back
-> Kerrin finds the remnants of a chair for Wagner
Tygeth says to Wagner, "We'll rebuild."
Tharl looks at Wagner.
Khirmint says, "Worry not, it will be rebuilt."
-> Aelyn touches Wagner lightly on the shoulder
Nyvail enters.
Cyrinne looks at Wagner.
Ailin looks at Wagner.
Thalia says, "The bards will help"
Nyvail looks at Wagner.
-> Wagner howls: MY INN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Luminus enters.
Aelyn nods
Tygeth says to Wagner, "What counts is that you are alright."
Wagner sobs uncontrollably.
Rilia enters.
Luminus looks at Guiseppe.
Thalia comforts Wagner.
Tygeth comforts Wagner.
Saelene says, "we can build it again."
Sebboe says to Wagner, "It will be better!"
Aelyn says, "what is rebuilt can be made even better than before."
Tygeth says to Wagner, "We WILL rebuild it."
Cyrinne looks at Wagner.
Tygeth looks at Wagner.
Gerae nods at Tygeth
Saelene says, "aye.. maybe.. four floors.."
Rilia looks at Guiseppe.
Saelene nods at Wagner
Sebboe says to Wagner, "This is a chance to open the luxary suites"
Nyvail nods at Wagner
-> Tygeth continues to bind Wagner's wounds
Wagner drinks Gerae's honey mead.
Kerrin says to Wagner, "Look at it this way, your inn saved your life."
Wagner drinks Tygeth's honey mead.
The clouds vanish and the sky is completely clear.
Wagner gets the idea in his thick skull and gives an 'AH' of comprehension
Thalia says to Wagner, "You can stay with us. Somehow the guild was spared.
We'll all pitch in and help rebuild."
-> Wagner ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhs
Tygeth nods at Wagner
Wagner says, "good mead. fine indeed"
Nyvail looks at Wagner.
Luminus says, "All of Sable valued the inn you kept here, Guiseppe. We will
help you rebuild."
Wagner says, "Ith lookss like I am homelessss ass well."
Cyrinne looks at Wagner.
Zoatar enters.
Wagner says, "Emirrikol owess me a few favorrss, I am ssurre he'll puth up
withh me forr a while"
Thalia smiles
Nyvail looks at Wagner.
Tygeth says to Wagner, "You've got our Guild."
Ailin says, "we have called for more clerics"
Saelene says, "I bet you could have the pick of guilds to rest in.."
Rilia looks at Guiseppe.
Nyvail looks at Wagner.
Luminus says, "Here. Let me tend to some of those wounds."
Aelyn says, "and we are at your service"
Tygeth looks at Luminus.
Kerrin says, "With soothing harp music for resting."
Wagner says, "How abu-bouth we head tho thhe Grreen Grriffon Taverrn...
'thiss farr morre rrelaxing thhan ssthanding herre amongssth thhe
rrubu-bbu-ble of my inn... *ssniff*"
Tygeth smiles
Saelene says, "I think he has had a bit too much .. the shock is getting to
-> Luminus crouches down to inspect the scrapes and bruises.
Cyrinne nods at Wagner
Loekiya enters.
Tygeth looks at Wagner.
-> Ailin stretches her hands over Wagner
Aelyn says, "absolutely"
Zoatar says, "Can I be of assistance"
Zoatar looks at Wagner.
Ailin lays her hands upon Wagner and fills him with vitality!
Cyrinne says, "We can get food there to strengthen prayers too"
Tygeth says to Wagner, "Wait until you feel better, no need to rush."
Wagner says, "I thhank all you kind clerricss forr thending tho my
woundss... I am sstharrthing tho feel a bu-bith morre chipperr"
Cyrinne looks at Wagner.
Loekiya looks at Guiseppe.
Jupicia enters.
Khirmint stands up and wiggles a bit
Pormis smiles
-> Rilia nods, also moving closer and whispering prayers of healing.
-> Luminus mutters a prayer to Chronos for Wagner
Khirmint pats Wagner on the back
Rilia looks at Guiseppe.
Ailin looks at Wagner.
Khirmint leaves south.
Jupicia looks at Wagner.
Wagner says, "Thankss tho thhesse clerricss, I bu-believe I can make thhe
Cyrinne smiles at Wagner happily.
Zoatar looks at Wagner.
Wagner says, "Shall we off then?"
Saelene says, "thank gods your ok.."
-> Tygeth stands next to Wagner to support him if needed.
Wagner leaves south.
Cyrinne nods
Tygeth says, "Lead the way."
-> Nyvail bows her head slightly and mutters a quick prayer
Cyrinne leaves south.
-> Aelyn takes a place on the other side of wagner
Aelyn leaves south.
Tygeth leaves south.
Sebboe leaves south.
Nyvail looks at Loekiya.
Luminus leaves south.
Gerae leaves south.
Nyvail looks at Jupicia.
Nyvail hugs Jupicia
-> Ailin kneels in quiet prayer to vivoria
Rilia leaves south.
Ailin stands up and wiggles a bit
Pormis says, "praise the gods we found him in time"
Saelene says, "aye.. well.. hello Pormis!"
Saelene grins at Pormis
-> Kerrin yells down the hole, "Is anyone else down there!?"
Kerrin listens carefully but hear nothing unusual.
Ailin says, "praise Vivoria we could heal him"
Saelene says, "I did not notice you standing there.. glad you survived."
Saelene says, "is there anyone else down that horrid hole?"
Ailin smiles slightly
Saelene nods at Ailin
Pormis says, "ah i was fairly safe the whole time"
Loekiya sighs
Saelene says, "aye.. she deserves much praise this day"
The brilliance of the sky dims a bit.
Ailin nods
Loekiya leaves south.
Ailin smiles
Nyvail leaves south.
Pormis says to Ailin, "ye missed hearing her speak"
Ailin says, "who"
Saelene says, "that was.. amazing"
Ailin has a questioning look on her face.
Saelene nods at Pormis
Saelene shivers
Ailin says, "who Po?"
Jupicia says, "Vivoria."
Kerrin says, "Well done, everyone!"
Pormis says to Ailin, "vivoria, she cursed those that violated her temple"
Kerrin lets out a resounding cheer.
Ailin gasps in astonishment!
Saelene lets out a resounding cheer.