Logs / Sex On Stage
Here is the sort of embarassing thing that can happen when people misuse the King's property.
Five of us bards had just finished rehersing a play. The set we had been using was still out on stage. We were all backstage discussing how the rehersal had gone. Suddenly, two people appeared on stage for what they thought was a private romantic interlude.
Some time afterwards the woman was forthcoming with a public apology for the gross misuse of the King's property, so her name has been removed from the transcript below. The fellow was a different story. Over the next several days he accused the entire bard's guild of lying, argued publicly with bards, slapped one bard, threatened the guildmaster of thieves with his scorpien tail, posted sarcastic notes on the public message boards, and wrote disrespectful letters to the guildmaster of bards. Therefore, his name has been left in the transcript below.
Here is what transpired...
A dank underground cavern. Large stalactites hang ominously off
the ceiling. Some reaching almost as low as the ground. There
is a faint echo of dripping water, or maybe even blood. But
there is dripping nonetheless. Philia is surrounded by her new
a female catfolk with deep blue eyes with silver flecks
a male scorpien with a slick, yet ridged carapace
[Stage] Merathian rubs Woman's breasts as they kiss
[Backstage] Kaith hmms
[Backstage] Kaith says, "This is amusing."
[Backstage] -> Jasric peeers around
[Backstage] Thalia says, "Lemme get them"
[Backstage] You say, "Use sound effects!"
[Backstage] Kaith nods
[Backstage] Thalia grins
[Stage] Merathian lays down beside Woman
[Stage] Merathian says, "i love you"
[Backstage] Kaith sniffs
[Stage] Woman rolls over on you and snuggles with you
[Stage] Woman says, "i love you too"
[Stage] Woman sighs
[Stage] Merathian says, "what"
[Stage] Woman says, "the time.."
[Backstage] Kaith says, "I want to do something frightening to them."
[Backstage] Kaith shuffles about uncomfortably
[Stage] Woman says, "i'm sorry"
[Stage] Merathian says, "ye want to come back when you wake?"
[Stage] Merathian says, "we'll make love on the stage here"
[Backstage] Aelyn acks!
[Backstage] Kaith says, "Like hell they will."
[Backstage] Aelyn rolls on the floor laughing
[Stage] Woman says, "i got to go"
[Stage] Merathian says, "thank you"
[Stage] Woman says, "your welcome"
[Stage] Merathian says, "shall i escort you?"
[Backstage] Kaith says, "Can I?"
[Backstage] Thalia says, "damn"
[Backstage] Jasric says, "Let's get some buckets of water?"
[Stage] Woman says, "if you want"
[Stage] A voice booms, "THE DEVIL YOU WILL!"
[Backstage] Aelyn rolls on the floor laughing
[Stage] A voice booms, "LEAVE MY STAGE!"
And then they were obviously flustered upon being discovered...
Merathian enters.
Woman enters.
Merathian enters the stage from the right.
Merathian leaves east.
Woman enters the stage from the right.
Woman leaves east.
Merathian leaves the stage to the right.
Merathian enters.
Woman leaves the stage to the right.
Woman enters.
Merathian enters the stage from the right.
Merathian leaves east.
Woman enters the stage from the right.
Woman leaves east.
[Stage] Merathian says, "uh oh"
Merathian leaves the stage to the right.
Merathian enters.
Woman leaves the stage to the right.
Woman enters.
Merathian leaves weststairs.
Woman leaves weststairs.
Of course, an apology was requested immediately thereafter...
Thalia [threshold] The theater is not to be used for sex. I expect the
offending couple to post an apology to the King and to the bards whose
performance they interrupted
Thalia [threshold] and I know your names, so be snappy