This section lists rat puckers from all over. Join the Rat
Pucker Roll Call by
emailing your information to us.
Back: Thomas, Michael, Beasley, Alan, Fulwood
Front: Dweazle, Nathaniel
Everyday Name:
Alan Killenbeck |
hkillen1@rochester.rr.com |
http://home.rochester.rr.com/akill/ |
Faires Frequented:
Sterling N.Y. Renaissance Festival
and Summer Marketplace |
About Myself:
Rat Puckers' Prayer
Rat Puckers prayed to the Goddess of Luck
That they might have good luck when they Pucked
Then they went to the Faire
Flung their rats through the air
Still some rats in the Froggie Pond sunk
Puck We Must! |
Everyday Name:
Andrew Johnson |
scafencer@gmail.com |
Faires Frequented:
Sterling N.Y. Renaissance Festival and Summer Marketplace
About Myself:
I have been going to Sterling Fair for 25 of its 29 years (2005).
Pucking for about ...err... well a long pucking time.
Everyday Name:
Michael A. Pawlenko |
pawlenko@zlink.net |
Faires Frequented:
Sterling N.Y. Renaissance Festival
and Summer Marketplace |
About Myself:
Beasley be my name
Saving souls is my game
But if a game of RAT PUCK be abound
You'll find me puckin' a round |
Everyday Name:
Thadeus Wilson |
turlockain@gmail.com |
Faires Frequented:
White Hart Renaissance Faire, Oklahoma Renaissance Festival
About Myself:
Yuri maybe first to win Coveted Crimson Rat, but Boris first to get name on course. Boris still only one to stroke off in "Boris Hole"! |
Everyday Name:
Bryan Jones |
bejerbel@angelfire.com |
http://www.angelfire.com/yt/Belrad |
Faires Frequented:
Sterling N.Y. Renaissance Festival
and Summer Marketplace |
About Myself:
I pucked my rat in the air,
to the pond he flew and stayed there.
I went for a swim,
up to me chin,
but me rat was not even there...
I looked to the tree,
and saw thereupon was he,
so I shook me stick in the air.
'tis a gentelman's game,
I was forced to refrain
or get me pucked out of the faire.
So I looked at me rat
and said "oh, bloody! Drat!"
and me rat fell down from up there!
....into the pond |
Everyday Name:
Scott Lohmeyer |
conall_crow@sbcglobal.net |
http://www.hmsmotleigh.com |
Faires Frequented:
Scarborough Faire
Texas Renaissance Faire
About Myself:
Been known to answer to Conall, Torp, and Rat Pucker.
International Brotherhood of Rogues, Scoundrels, and Cads Member
Part of Clan Crown "Holders Of The Golden Cord, Protectors Of The Purple Sack."
Author, Traveler, Brewer, and Bum... All Around Good Guy
Everyday Name:
Eric Tower |
Everyday Name:
Jason Amrhein |
amrheij@paulsmiths.edu |
Faires Frequented:
Sterling N.Y. Renaissance Festival
and Summer Marketplace |
About Myself:
I be not the brightest candle in the shire,
nor the most pleasant to look upon; howere,
I shall be a pucker to be reckoned with this season.
Mark my words.
See thee upon the Shire! |
Everyday Name:
John Fulwood |
Faires Frequented:
Sterling N.Y. Renaissance Festival
and Summer Marketplace |
Gwendlyn Fiona McManis (Lady Wendy)
Everyday Name:
Kris Corson |
RedHairIsTrouble@aol.com |
Faires Frequented:
Pennsylvania Renaissance Faire (my homeshow), but being a Rennie, I also get to Sterling, Bay Area, Hoggestown, Kiwanis-Lee, and Lady of the Lakes. You could see me just about anywhere. |
About Myself:
Lady Wendy, three years a pucker
Worked as hard as any other
Traveled far and wide to play
Won the crimson rat today! |
Everyday Name:
Michael Burkard |
E-Mail Me |
http://www.thewildhunt.com/thegreen/index.shtml |
Faires Frequented:
Sterling N.Y. Renaissance Festival
and Summer Marketplace |
About Myself:
I sat with the Dutchess at tea,
It was just as I thought it would be.
Her rumblings abdominal,
Were simply phenominal,
And, everyone thought it was me! |
Everyday Name:
Jeff Pruitt |
jpruitt@dreamscape.com |
Faires Frequented:
Sterling (yeh!!!) Maryland and an occasional Massachusetts |
About Myself:
What can I say, I'm great. The rest of you just keep forgetting it. Actually, look
forward to being back at Sterling in the coming weeks and taking the Augusta Green
for myself this year. |
Penfold Pox, Ratcatcher
Everyday Name:
Brian Reames |
Mudzgut@comcast.net |
Faires Frequented:
Great Lakes Medieval Faire
About Myself:
Started Pucking in 2003
Still Pucking 2004
Will Puck here and there till my grave it calls.
And then I'll Puck again.
Richard the Dart Master
Everyday Name:
Richard |
Faires Frequented:
Sterling N.Y. Renaissance Festival
and Summer Marketplace |
Captain Robert Stamina
Everyday Name:
Werner Schatke |
captstamina@netscape.net |
http://www.Dreugan.iwarp.com |
Faires Frequented:
Scarborough Faire
Texas Renaissance Faire
Kansas City Faire
About Myself:
Captain Robert Stamina
(aka Puss in Boots)
Stroke me right and I'll do more than purr!
IBRSC Member & Mercenary Extraordinaire
Faster than an angry farmer,
More agile than a three-legged cat,
Able to avoid irate husbands in the dead of night
Defender of Ale, Wenches, and a Rogues way of life
Everyday Name:
Bill Bresee |
chugger_@hotmail.com |
Faires Frequented:
The Bay Area Renaissance Festival |
About Myself:
Sir Biggins be thy name...RAT PUCKING is my game!!!! |
Sir Cryospear of Solace
Everyday Name:
Paul Kelley |
Skiing4@AOL.com |
Faires Frequented:
Sterling N.Y. Renaissance Festival
and Summer Marketplace |
About Myself:
I go to great lengths...errr...heights to puck as you can see,
Atop the Turkey Legge booth a puckin' I be. |
Everyday Name:
Jason Backus |
jbj0614@yahoo.com |
Faires Frequented:
(recently) White Hart Renaissance Faire, Oklahoma Renaissance Festival, Kansas City Renaissance Faire
(less recently) Florida Renaissance Festival Camelot Days Medieval Festival, Kiwanis Lee County Medieval Festival
(have visited once or twice) Bristol Renaissance Faire, Sterling Renaissance Festival, Maryland Renaissance Festival
About Myself:
White Hart's inaugural tournament victor, first Master Pucker, and local tournament director |
Slendine the Evil Wizard
Everyday Name:
DOC! Starks |
slendine@msn.com |
Faires Frequented:
Bay Area Renaissance Festival
About Myself:
A Powerful Elixer I Do Brew Indeed, But A Great Game Of Rat Puck Is What I Really Need!
Everyday Name:
Thomas |
Faires Frequented:
Sterling N.Y. Renaissance Festival
and Summer Marketplace |
Everyday Name:
Bob Simmons |
Adardragon@gmail.com |
Faires Frequented:
White Hart Renaissance Faire, Oklahoma Renaissance Festival
About Myself:
White Hart's second champion. Heroic shot got next-to-last hole of White Hart course renamed "The Smirnoff Throne". |
Thank you for stopping by, and come again soon to see what's new. Feel free to
write to us
with any comments, problems, questions, suggestions, or whatever -- we'd love
to hear from you!
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trademarked (TM) by James R. (Jim) Greene, esq. All rights reserved.