We strongly suggest checking out the following sources of information
available on-line about the domestic ferret:
This is probably the best collection of information on domestic ferrets as pets
anywhere on the Net. Pam Greene has done a wonderful job putting together a FAQ,
a mini-FAQ, a ferret photo gallery, links to other ferret information on the Net,
and just tons of other great information. Congratulations, Pam!
Ferret Mailing List
This is an electronic mailing list for anyone interested in the domestic ferret.
As of February 1996 there are over 1900 subscribers worldwide! The average number
of posts in one day can be anywhere from 15 to 50. It is currently distributed in
a digest format once per day, every day of the week. There are new ferret owners,
long time ferret owners, breeders, shelter caretakers, and veterinarians all
contributing to the mailing list. It is one of the best pieces of correspondence
that we see on a regular basis.
Click on the above link to subscribe to the mailing list. Send the e-mail with the
word "subscribe" in the body of the message.
Modern Ferret Magazine
This is a magazine "by ferret owners for ferret owners," as the
magazine itself advertises. And, for being a family outfit they do one heck
of a great job putting together an all color magazine about ferrets. The
magazine includes photographs, medical information from veterinarians,
interviews, product reviews, and lots more. As you can probably tell, we
like it a lot. So do our ferrets. They're especially appreciative of the
nice, glossy pages -- just right in their opinion. Honest, just ask 'em!
Thank you for stopping by, and come again soon to see what's new. Feel free to
write to us
with any comments, problems, questions, suggestions, or whatever -- we'd love
to hear from you!
This web site is Copyright (c) 2010. All rights reserved. Rat Puck is
trademarked (TM) by James R. (Jim) Greene, esq. All rights reserved.