Mythological Booklist | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Ancient Ireland: A Study in the Lessons of Archaeology and History by R.A.S. MacAlister, New York: Benjamin Blom, 1972. Ancient Irish Tales by Tom Peete Cross and Clark Harris Slover, Barnes and Noble Books, Totowa, New Jersey, 1936 repr. 1988. The Banshee by Patricia Lysaght, The Glendale Press, Dublin, 1986. British & Irish Mythology by John and Caitlin Matthews, Diamon, London, 1995. Cath Maige Tuired: The Second Battle of Mag Tuired Edited by Elizabeth A. Gray, Dublin : Irish Texts Society, 1982. The Death of the Sons of Uisnech by Ernst Windisch, Irische Texte, Leipzig, 1905. Deirdire recited by John macNeil, trans. by Alexander Carmichael, Club Leabhar, Ltd., Inverness, 1972. Deirdre by Madeline Polland, Doubleday, 1967. Deirdre by James Stephens, Macmillan, 1923. Deirdre and the Sons of Usna by William Sharp, T.B. Mosher, 1903. A Dictionary of Irish Mythology by Peter Berresford Ellis, Oxford University Press, 1987, ISBN 0-19-282871-1. Early Irish Myths & Legends trans. by Kenneth Hurlstone Jackson, Penguin Classics. Early Irish Myths and Sagas by Jeffrey Gantz, London: Penguin Books, 1981. The Exile of the Children of Uisnech by Eugene O'Curry, Atlantis Magazine, Dublin, 1862. Fairy and Folk Tales of Ireland by W.B. Yeats, Collier Books Macmillan Pub. Co., 1986. Fairy and Folk Tales of Ireland ed. by W.B. Yeats, Picador, ISBN 0-330-25769-2. The Fate of the Sons of Usnach by Lady Augusta Gregory, Putnam, 1902. Fairy and Folk Tales of the Irish Peasantry by W.B. Yeats. Foras Feasa ar E'irinn (History of Ireland) by Geoffrey Keating. History of Ireland by Keating. Ireland and the Classical Tradition by William Bedell Stanford Totowa: Rowman & Littlefield, 1976. The Irish Book of Invasions, Penguin Classics. The Irish Celtic Magical Tradition by Steve Blamires. The Irish Celtic Pagan Tradition by Steve Blamires. Irish Fairy & Folk Tales by W.B. Yeats. Irish Fairy Tales by W.B. Yeats, 1892. Irish Folktales by Henry Glassie. Irish Identity and the Literary Revival by G.J. Watson, Helm, London, 1979. Irish Literary History by J. F. Caerwyn Williams, Trans. Patrick K. Ford, University of Wales Press, Cardiff, Wales, Ford and Bailie, Belmont, Massachusetts. Welsh edition 1958, English translation 1992. Irish Myths and Legends by Lady Gregory, Courage Press, 1998, ISBN 0762402814. The Irish Renaissance by Richard Fallis, Gill & Macmillan, Dublin, 1978. Irish Sagas and Folk Tales by Eileen O'Faolin, Oxford, 1954. The Irish Trickster by Alan Harrison. Lays of the Red Branch by Sir Samuel Ferguson, T.F. Unwin, 1897. The Learned Tales of Medieval Ireland by Proinsias Mac Cana, Dublin: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 1980. Legends from Ireland by Sean O'Sullivan, Rowman and Littlefield. Motif-index of Early Irish Literature by Tom Peete Cross, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, 1952. Series: Indiana University publications. Folklore series, no. 7. Myth, Legend & Romance: An Encyclopaedia of the Irish Folk Tradition by Daithi O hOgain. Mythic Ireland by Michael Dames, Thames & Hudson, 1996, ISBN 0-500-27872-5. The Old Gods by Patrick Logan, Appletree Press, Belfast, 1981. Over Nine Waves: A Book of Irish Legends by Marie Heaney, Faber and Faber, London, 1994, ISBN 0-571-17518-X. The Serpent and the Goddess: Women, Religion, and Power in Celtic Ireland by Mary Condren. A Social History of Ancient Ireland by P.W. Joyce. The Story of the Irish Race by Seamus MacManus. The Tain: From the Irish Epic Tain Bo Cuailnge trans. by Thomas Kinsella, Oxford University Press, New York, 1969, ISBN 0-19-281090-1. Tain Bo Cuailnge Recension I by Cecile O'Rahilly, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 1976. Three Sorrowful Tales of Erin by F.M. Pilkington, Bodley Head, 1965. The Tragical Fate of the Sons of Uisnech, Gaelic Society, Dublin, 1808. Ulster Folklore by Elisabeth Andrews, EP Publishing, Wakefield, 1977.
Carmina Gadelica: Hymns and Incantations (Collected in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland in the Last Century) by Alexander Carmichael, Lindisfarne Press, Hudson, New York, 1992, isbn 0-940262-50-9. The Folklore of the Scottish Highlands by Ann Ross. Highland Folk Ways by Isabel F. Grant, Birlinn Limited, Edinburgh, Scotland, isbn 1-874744-42-4. The People of the Sea by David Thomson. Picts, Gaels and Scots by Sally. M. Foster, Batsford, 1996. Scottish Witchcraft by Raymond Buckland.
Ballad Book by John Jacob Niles. The English and Scottish Popular Balads edited by Francis James Child. Dover Publications, Inc., New York, 1965 reprint, ISBN is 0-486-21413-3; Library of Congress C.C.No. is 65-24347. English and Scottish Popular ballads, edited from the collection of Francis James Child by Francis James Child, edited by Helen Child Sargent and George Lyman Kittredge, Boston and New York, Houghton Mifflin, 1904 & 1932. The Penguin Book of English Folk Songs by Ralph Vaughan Williams and A.L. Lloyd. The Traditional Tunes of the Child Ballads by Bertrand Harris Bronson, 4 volumes, Princeton University Press, Princeton, N.J., 1959-72.
Arthur and the Soverignty of Britain: King and Goddess in the Mabinogion by Caitlin Matthews. The Arthur of the Welsh: The Arthurian Legend in Medieval Welsh Literature ed. by R. Bromwich, A.O.H. Jarman and B.F. Roberts, University of Wales Press, Cardiff, 1991. Celtic Folklore Welsh and Manx by John Rhys. Celtic Heritage: Ancient Tradition in Ireland and Wales by Rees, Alwyn and Brinley Thames and Hudson, 1961; repr. 1989. Lectures on Early Welsh Poetry by I. Williams, Dublin, 1944. The Mabinogeon by Jeffery Gantz, Peguin. The Mabinogi by Proinsias Mac Cana, University of Wales Press, Cardiff, 1992. The Mabinogi and Other Medieval Welsh Tales trans. by Patrick K. Ford, Berkeley: University of California Press, 1977, isbn 0-520-03414-7. The Mabinogion by Gwyn Jones and Thomas Jones, Everyman's Library, 1949;revised in 1989, 1991. The Mabinogion by Jeffrey Gantz, Penguin. Mabon and the Mysteries of Britain: An Exploration of the Mabinogion by Caitlin Matthews. Trioedd Ynys Prydein: The Welsh Triads by Rachel Bromwich, University of Wales Press: Cardiff, 1978; Second edition 1991. Wales and the Arthurian Legend by Roger Sherman Loomis, University of Wales Press, Cardiff, 1956; reprint The Folcraft Press, Pennsylvania, 1969.
British Fairy Origins by Lewis Spence. British Goblins by Wirt Sikes. Daimonic Reality: Human Encounters with the Otherworld by Patrick Harpur, Penguin, 1994. An Encyclopedia of Fairies: Hobgoblins, Brownies, Bogies, and Other Supernatural Creatures by Katharine Briggs, Pantheon Books, New York, 1977, isbn 0-394-73467-X. The Enchanted World Series - Fairies & Elves, Time-Life Books, 1984, ISBN #0-8094-5121-X. Faeries by B. Froud & A. Lee, Harry N. Abrams, Inc, New York, 1978, ISBN # 78-60699. The Fairy Faith in Celtic Countries by J.Y. Evans-Wentz, Library of the Mystic Arts, Citadel Press published by Carol Publishing Group, New York, 1994, isbn 0-8065-1160-5. The Fairy Tradition in the British Isles by Lewis Spence. A Field Guide to the Little People by Nancy Arrowsmith, with George Morse. Published by Hill and Wang, New York: 1977, ISBN 0-8090-4450-1. The Good People by Garland. The Good People by Peter Narvaez. The Middle Kingdom by D.A. McManus, Max Parrish, London, 1960. Once Upon a Time: On the Nature of Fairy Tales by Max Luthi. The Secret Commonwealth by Robert Kirk. Spirits, Fairies, Leprechauns, and Goblins by Carol Rose. Studies in the Fairy Mythology of Arthurian Romance by Lucy Allen Paton, Burt Franklin, New York, 1960.
The 21 Lessons of Merlyn by Douglas Monroe, Llewellyn. The Age of Arthur by John Morris, Phillimore. Arianrhod - A Welsh Myth Retold by Barbara Donley, Stone Circle Press, Box 44 Oakland, CA 94604, 1987, ISBN 0-9618699-1-7. Arthur: The King of Light by Allen Artos. Arthur the King by Graeme Fife. Arthur's Britain by Leslie Alcock, Pelican. The Arthurian Encyclopedia ed. by Norris Lacy. The Arthurian Handbook ed. by Norris Lacy and Geoffrey Ashe. Beowulf: A Dual Language Edition by Howell D. Chickering, Anchor Books, New York, 1977. Beowulf: A Study in Secular Allegory. Beowulf: Anthology of Literary Criticism. Celtic Goddesses: Warriors, Virgins and Mothers by Miranda Green, George Braziller, 1996, isbn 080761405X. Celtic Gods, Celtic Goddesses by R.J. Stewart. Celtic Warrior Chiefs by John Mattews and Bob Stewart, Firebird Books, Dorset, UK, 1993, isbn 1-85314-116-x. Celtic Warriors by Tim Newark, Blanford. Celtic Women: In Legend, Myth and History by Lyn Webster Wilde, Blanford, (Sterling Publishing Co., Inc.), New York, 1997, isbn 0-7137-2552-4. Celtic Women's Spirituality by Edain McCoy. The Coming of the King by Nikolai Tolstoy. The Cuchullin Saga by Eleanor Hull. Critical Studies of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight by Donald R. Howard and Christian K. Zacher, 1968. Cuchulain of Muirthemne by Lady Augusta Gregory. The Discovery of King Arthur by Geoffrey Ashe. Fionn Mac Cumhail: Celtic Myth in English Literature by James MacKillop, Syracuse University Press. Fionn Mac Cumhail - Champion of Ireland by John Matthews, Firebird Books, Dorset, UK, also available from Sterling Pub. Co., 2 Park Ave., New York, 10016, USA. The Fisher King & the Handless Maiden by Robert A. Johnson, Haper Collins, 1993. From Cuchulainn to Gawain: Sources and Analogues of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight by Elizabeth. Brewer. Gawain: Knight of the Goddess by John Matthews, Aquarian/Thorsons (An Imprint of Harper Collins Publishers), London, 1992, isbn 1-85538-172-9. Gods, Men, and Heroes by Lady Augusta Gregory. Gods & Fighting Men: The Story of the Tuatha De Danaan And Of The Fianna of Ireland by Lady Augusta Gregory with foreward by W.B. Yeats, Colin Smythe, Gerrard's Cross, ISBN(hc) 0-900675-27-6, ISBN(pb) 0-901072-37-0. Gods and Heroes of the Celts by M. L.Sjoestedt, 1949; trnslated by Myles Dillon, repr. 1990, Turtle Press: Berkeley, CA. The Gods of the Celts by Miranda Green, Alan Sutton Publishing 1993, ISBN 0 7509 0340 6. The Grail Legend by Emma Jung and Marie-Louise Franz. In Search of Herne the Hunter by Eric L. Fitch. King Arthur: Chivalry and Legend by Anne Berthelot. King Arthur: The True Story by Phillips and Keatman, Random Century Books. King Arthur and the Grail by Richard Cavendish, Paladin, London, 1980. The King in the West by R.W. Dunning. Ladies of the Lake by John Matthews and Caitlin Matthews. La lettre du Prjtre Jean, Itude critique de la confection, de la diffusion et de l9utilisation d9un faux dans l9Europe midiivale by Marie Paule Caire-Jabinet, PhD Thesis, University of Paris I, 1984. Le Morte d'Arthur by Sir Thomas Mallory. The Mystic Life of Merlin by R.J. Stewart, Arkana/Penquin 1986. Ossian by Macpherson. Perceval by Chretien de Troyes. The Quest for King Arthur by David Day. A Reading of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight by J. A. Burrow, 1965. The Search for King Arthur by Christopher Hibbert, 1969. The Secret History of Arthurian Legend by Gareth Knight, Aquarian Press, 1983. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, A Stylistic and Metrical Study by M. Boroff, 1962. Taliesin: Shamanism and the Bardic Mysteries in Britain and Ireland by John Matthews, The Aquarian Press, London, 1991, isbn 1-85538-109-5. Tam Lin by Susan Cooper. The Tristan Legend by J. Hill, 1977. Vita Merlini by John Jay Parry, University of Illinois, 1995. The Way of Merlin by R.J. Stewart. Women in Celtic Myth: Tales of Extraordinary Women from the Ancient Celtic Tradition by Moyra Caldecott, Destiny Books, Rochester, Vermont, 1992, isbn 0-89281-357-1. Women of the Celts by Jean Markale.
Dictionary of British Folktales in English Language by Katharine M. Briggs, 4 volumes. Dictionary of Celtic Myth and Legend by Miranda Green, Thames and Hudson, New York, 1997, 0-500-27975-6. Encyclopedia of Celtic Wisdom by Caitlin & John Matthews.
The Druid Tradition by Philip Carr-gomm, isbn 1-86204-031-1. Les Druides by F Le Roux & CJ Guyonvarc'h, Ed. Ouest France Universiti, Renne, 1986, ISBN 2-85882-920-9. Le druidisme by J. Markale, Ed. Payot, Paris, 1989, ISBN 2-228+88141-4. Druids by Stuart Piggott, New York, Praeger, 1975. The Druids by Stuart Piggott, isbn 0-500-27363-4. The Druids by Stuart Piggott, Pelican Books. The Druids by Peter Berresford Ellis. The Sacred Cauldron: Secrets of the Druids by Tadhg MacCrossan.
The Ancient Celts by Barry Cunliffe, Oxford Univ Press, 1997, ISBN 0198150105. Les Celtes et la civilisation celtique by J. Markale, Ed. Payot, Paris, 1988, ISBN 2-228-10406-X. Celtic Britain by Nora K. Chadwick, North Hollywood, CA : Newcastle, 1989, c1963. Celtic Civilization by J. Markale, Gordon & Cremonesi, 1978. Celtic Heritage by Brinley and Alwyn Rees, Thames and Hudson, London, 1990. The Celtic Realms by Myles Dillon and Nora K. Chadwick, Weidenfeld & Nicolson: London, 1972. 2nd ed. The Celtic World by Barry Cunliffe, London, 1979. The Celtic World ed. by Miranda J. Green. The Celts by Nora Chadwick, Penguin. The Celts: The People Who Came Out Ot The Darkness by Gerhard Herm, Weidenfeld & Nicholson Ltd., 1976. Also published by Barnes & Noble, Inc., 1993. The Celts by Jean Markale. The Celts by T.G.E. Powell, Thames and Hudson, New York, 1980, 2nd ed; reprint. 1991. Early Celtic Art: In Britain and Ireland by Ruth Megaw, Princes Risborough: Shire Archaeology, 1986. Everyday life of the Pagan Celts by Anne Ross Ph.D., London, Batsford; New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1970. Exploring the World of the Celts by Simon James. Historia Britonum by Nennius. Historia Regum Brittanium by Geoffrey of Monmouth, ed. by Thorpe, Penguin Books. Pagan Celtic Britain by Anne Ross, Routledge and Kegan Paul, London, 1967, reprinted 1994. The Pagan Celts by Anne Ross, Batsford, London, 1986, ISBN 0713455284. The Pagan Religions of the Ancient British Isles Ronald Hutton. Prehistoric Britain by Timothy Darvill. A Traveller's Guide to Celtic Britain by Dr. Anne Ross, Historical Times Inc., Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, 1985, isbn 0-918678-06-4. White Horses And Other Hill Figures by Morris Marples, Bath Press, Bath, 1949. Women in Roman Britain by Lindsay Allison Jones, B.M.P.. The World of the Celts by Simon James.
The Aquarian Guide to British and Irish Mythology by John and Caitlin Matthews. Branwen, Daughter of Llyr: A Study of the Irish affinities and of the Composition of the second branch of the Mabinogi by Proinsias Mac Cana, Cardiff, University of Wales Press, 1958. British and Irish Mythology by John & Caitlin Mathews. Celtic Lore by Ward Rutherford, The Aquarian Press, San Francisco, 1993. A Celtic Miscellany ed. by Kenneth Hurlstone Jackson, Penguin Classics, ISBN 0-14-044247-2. Celtic Mysteries: The Ancient Religion by John Sharkey. Celtic Myth and Legend by Charles Squire, Newcastle Publishing Co., ISBN 0-87877-029-1. Celtic Myth and Legend, Poetry and Romance by Charles Squires, Longwood Press, 1977 ISBN 0-89341-164-7. Celtic Mythology by Proinsias Mac Cana, New York: Peter Bedrick Books, 1991 . Celtic Mythology by Proinsias MacCana, Hamlyn, ISBN 600-00647-6. Celtic Mythology by A. MacCulloch. Celtic Mythology by Ward Rutherford, Sterling Publishing Co., New York, 1990. Celtic Mythology and Arthurian Romance by Roger Loomis. Celtic Myths and Legends by T.W. Rolleston, Dover Publications, New York, isbn 0-486-26507-2. Celtic Myths, Celtic Legends by R.J. Stewart. The Celtic Reader by John Matthews, isbn 1-85538-228-8. The Celtic Sources For the Arthurian Legend by Jon B. Coe, Llanerch Publishers, ISBN: 1897853831. Celtic Tradition by Caitlan Matthews. Folk Tales of the British Isles ed. by Kevin Crossley-Holland, 1985. From Ritual to Romance by Jessie L. Weston, Anchor Books, 1957. Guide to British and Irish Mythology by Matthews. Lectures on the Origin and Growth of Religion as Illustrated by Celtic Heathendom by John Rhys, Williams & Norgate, London, 1862. Legendary Britain by Bob Stewart and John Matthews, Blanford Press, London, 1989, isbn 0-7137-2263-0. Legends of the Celts by Frank Delany. The Lost Gods of England by Brian Branson, Thames and Hudson Ltd., London, 1957. Mythology of the British Isles by Geoffrey Ashe, Methuen London, London, 1990, reprinted 1996, isbn 0-413-66540-2. Myths and Legends of the Celtic Race by T.W. Rolleston. The Pagan Religions of the Ancient British Isles: Their Nature and Legacy by Ronald Hutton, Oxford, Blackwell, 1991. The Religion of the Ancient Celts by J.A. MacCulloch.
The Art of Celtia by Courtney Davis. By Oak, Ash & Thorn by Conway. Celtic Book of the Dead by Caitlin Matthew. The Celtic Consciousness ed. by Robert Driscoll, Dolmen Press, Port Iaoise, 1981. A Celtic Miscellany trans. by Kenneth Hurlstone Jackson, Penguin. The Celtic Tradition by Caitlin Matthews. The Celtic Twilight by W.B. Yeats. Celt's Campaign Sourcebook by Graeme Davis, TSR Inc., dist. by Random House, ISBN 1-56076-374-4. Coventinas Well by Lindsay Allason Jones and Bruce Mckay, ISBN 0 946897 05 0. The Elements of Celtic Tradition by Caitlin Matthews. Folksongs of North Uist . From Ritual to Romance by Jesie L. Weston. The Handbook of Celtic Astrology by Paterson . Haunted Britain by Antony D. Hippisley Coxe, Pan. The Monster's and the Critics by J.R.R. Tolkien. Mythologies by W.B. Yeats, London, 1959. The Poems by W.B. Yeats, Gill and Macmillan, London, 1983. The Real Camelot, Paganism and the Arthurian Romances by John Darrah, Thames & Hudson, 1981. The Secret Commonwealth by Rev. Robert Kirk. Selected Criticism and Prose by W.B. Yeats, Pan Books, London, 1980. Wisdom of the Outlaw by Joseph Falaky Nagy, University of California Press: Berkeley, 1985.
Celtic Fairy Tales by Joseph Jacobs, Dover Publications, Inc., New York, 1968, isbn 0-486-21826-0. Deirdre: A Celtic Legend by David Guard, Tricycle Press, Berkeley. Druids, Gods & Heroes from Celtic Mythology by Anne Ross, The World Mythology Series, Peter Bedrick Books, New York, 1994, ISBN 0-87226-918-3 (cloth), 0-87226-919-1 (paper). English Fairy Tales by Joseph Jacobs. More Celtic Fairy Tales by Joseph Jacobs, Dover Publications, Inc., New York, 1968, isbn 0-486-21827-9. Myths and Folk Tales of Ireland by Jeremiah Curtin, Dover Publications, Inc., New York, 1975 (reprint of 1890 edition), isbn 0-486-22430-9. The Red Fairy Book by Andrew Lang, Grossett & Dunlop: NY. Scottish Folk-tales and Legends by Barbara Ker Wilson, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1992, isbn 0-19-274141-1. Tam Lin by Jane Yolen. The Victorian Fairy Tale Book ed. by Michael Patrick Jearn, 1988.
The Ancient Irish Goddess of War by W. M. Hennessy, Revue Celtique 1 (1870-72): 32-37. Aspects of the Theme of King and Goddess in Irish Literature by Proinsias Mac Cana, Itudes Celtiques 7 (1955-56) 76-13; 357-413; 8 (1958-59): 59-65. The Blind, the Dumb and the Ugly: Aspects of Poets and Their Craft in Early Ireland and Wales, by Patrick Ford, Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 9. The Celtic Ethnography of Posidonius by J. J. Tierney, from the Proceedings of the Royal Irish Acadmy. Vol. 60 Section C, No. 5 (1960): 189-275. Dublin, Royal Irish Academy. Liminality and Knowledge in Irish Tradition by Joseph Falaky Nagy, Studia Celtica 16-17 (1981-82): 135-143. My Druid Is Christ by Mara Freeman, Parabola, Winter 1997, Vol. XXII, Number 4, Miracles issue. The Valkyries and the Irish War-Goddesses by Charles Donahue, PMLA LVI, 1,(March 1941)32-84. Warlords, Holy Men, and Matrilineal Succession by W. David H. Sellar, Innes Review 36, p.29-43, 1985. |
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